DrawnWild FAQ

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) bit (and if you have other questions that you'd like to ask then please feel free to contact me and I'll see if I can put an answer to them here).

Formally no, as in I don't (unfortunately) make bucket loads of money. Emotionally yes, as in I love the work and think I'm kind of okay at it. I think it's all in the eye of whomever is looking. Wow does that even make sense? Maybe soon I'll make the transition.

Because they are not "sketches"!  My work is detailed and carefully done and so it's difficult for me to think of them as "sketches" even though that's how they are often described.

When I first started drawing, I entered one of my works in an art show and it was classified as a "painting" and judged alongside Oils, Watercolours and Pastels.  Producing art works in Graphite is every bit as difficult as these other forms and so I (along with a lot of other Graphite Artists) call my works "paintings" instead of drawings or sketches.

Drawn Wild is the Web Site put together to showcase the art of Terry Jackson (that would be me!).